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Recent Creations
Recent Creations: Projects

Guildford Cathedral
Created for a makers market I attended in this stunning venue. Now available in the cathedral gift shop!

La Corbiere Lighthouse
My other half is from Jersey;Â we spend a few weeks there each year and I find myself continually drawn back to the many beautiful spots on the island. This is a lino print of La Corbiere lighthouse, built in 1874 the lighthouse sits on the south west corner of the island and sits at the end of a causeway, often surrounded by crashing waves. Eagle-eyed Jersey fans may spot my inaccuracy in this first edition though!

Paper Ships
Living near the Solent we spend a lot of time staring out at fleets on the water. With charts provided by seafaring friends I've sought to re-purpose these beautiful papers into, hopefully, something else of beauty!
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